Dispatching Solutions for Fuel Distributors
Dispatching problems largely come in one of two varieties — either the system is not feature-rich enough to handle varied types of fuel orders, or it is not easily integrated to the fuel order system and billing system. Jobbers are often forced to choose between a weak dispatch system from their back office solution provider, or end up with duplicate data entry from not being able to integrate expensive robust dispatch systems.
Whether you are a jobber who delivers fuel using your own fleet or a common carrier, our dispatch solutions can be tailored to suit your needs. The dispatch workbenches within the Fuel Order Management & Dispatch (FOMD) module are fully integrated with all sources of fuel orders and our Invoice Writer fuel and freight billing application. Our TransactionRite solution can even export invoices or completed loads to your accounting solution.
The Schedule Drivers Workbench in the FOMD module provides a graphical drag-and-drop user interface where you can assign loads to the drivers on a specific shift. This tool provides you a view of the driver’s utilization for a shift. Plus, you can manage loads where you are the common carrier for other jobbers.
MobileRite provides an in-cab solution — drivers can view the loads they have been assigned on any web-ready device or tablet and enter delivery information as the loads are completed.
The Dispatch Command Center identifies drivers on a map, with the planned hazardous material route and the actual path the driver is taking. It also shows updated time of arrival for each order, as well as the allocation, contract, inventory information, and delivery status information that dispatchers need to resolve operational problems.
Dispatching automation solutions include:
Fuel Order Management & Dispatch (FOMD) module – examines site sourcing rules and real-time prices to provide best buy recommendations and load assignments using the built in Pricing and Sourcing capabilities
Invoice Writer – assembles customer and transaction data to prepare flexible invoices and draft notices for automatic delivery via a variety of methods
Contract Manager – insures the availability of product and tracks your performance to contractual commitments
TransactionRite – streamlines the reconciliation and billing process by capturing, normalizing and storing fuel movement transactional data
MobileRite – automate your dispatch and delivery process and fuel movement paperwork flow using secured wireless tablet technology
Dispatch Command Center – shows drivers on their routes and arrival time for each order